The Beauty of Loving What You Do!

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Although this is primarily a beauty blog, I thought I would share something of a different kind of beauty, if you will.

I have been going through a bit of very rocky road in my life of late and things have gotten progressively worse. To the point, where the only thing that was keeping me from crumpling into a million pieces was my anger. I know it is not healthy at all, but I hung onto that anger as if it was a very near and dear friend. Not wanting to let it go for fear of falling into a deep and dark sadness.

Have you ever had the feeling of wanting to just scream so loud till no sound came out anymore, followed by an endless stream of tears to drown in? Well, yes I know, this might seem really deep for a beauty blog, but I’m actually saying a lot without really saying anything at all. I might at some point reveal the cause of my anguish, but I’m kind of private like that, and not yet ready to expose my very vulnerable and sometimes fragile self yet.

Well, a model I had met on my journey as a makeup artist asked if I would do makeup for a photo shoot, on a TFCD (trade for CD) basis. Feeling I needed a bit of distraction I agreed, but on my way there I made a commitment to my anger, promising to never let it go. Wondering how would survive the evening feeling on the verge of a complete meltdown.

As I settled into what needed to be done with regards to the look of the shoot and started working my magic, methodically and calmly, without paying attention my anger quietly slipped out. In it’s place I found contentment with doing something that I love.  I felt I could breathe again, not only that, I could smile again.
Only when I could face the cause of my pain and anger calmly had I realized that doing makeup was actually very therapeutic for me. I found beauty in the peace I felt inside and the realization that I can overcome, and even if I feel very fragile and I am actually much stronger than I realized.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not magically transformed and that good old friend anger will in all likely hood be back again, probably soon. But just for a brief visit. I have decided to explore the true beauty of loving me.
I hope you all have the opportunity to truly love what you do or do what you love, which ever you prefer.

Ciao for now,



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